Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Extracurricular activities

Now that I have acquired a change of scenery and a copious amount of time with my parents that needs to be reallocated, I have comprised a checklist of things I want to accomplish. If anyone can help/wants in on these activities, you know where to find me!

-Execute a perfect handstand, "scorpion" pose, and flip flop.
-Go to more gallery openings and museums.
-use up all my henna paste. (Any volunteers? I'm good, I swear.)
-go to more local rock shows. (Toadies, Aug 22, dudes).
-learn to swallow swords.
-learn Latin.
-work on my front splits and try for a horizontal over-split.
-tryout for the Dallas roller derby (flat track OR banked).
-plant an herb garden. And not kill it.
-re-memorize the beginning of Beowulf.
-practice spinning poi.
-find bands/events that will let me make snazzy psychedelic posters for them (pro bono even).
-have a garage sale and get rid of all my old clothes and books.
-practice vertical pole inverts and tricks.
-audition as a performer or character at Scarborough Faire.
-celebrate pagan holidays in a bigger way.
-find some tribal dance gigs at clubs/bars.
-find some fire eating gigs at clubs/bars.
-find some go-go gigs at clubs/bars.
-maybe find a tribal dance teaching gig (adults or kids).
-learn to ride a motorcycle.
-visit places featured in Weird Texas.
-re-learn to play bass

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