Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Less of a Bad Thing

Months ago I compiled a top 10 list of things not to tell anyone you've just met.

Over the past week in Turkey I met lots of people I didn't know. Let's see how I did:

1. Anything involving Old English, Middle English or the recitation of texts in either language.
2. The sentence "I am in a circus."
3. The word "exsanguinate."
4. My first high school "boyfriend" impregnated a midget.
5. I have an oral fixation.
6. And no gag reflex.
7. I received a Colt semi automatic for my 18th birthday.
8. I worked at Rick's Cabaret for three months.
9. My rock show go-go dancing debut was at a Lords of Acid show at a slightly underage 17 years old. The encore was "Spank My Booty." Guess what happened.
10. I participated in the barrel racing event at the rodeo.

At first glance, this would seem to be quite a success. In reality, however, it turns out my original list was missing a few items including:
  • I eat fire.
  • I can pole dance. ( And have done so recently. In public.)
  • I am proficient in several styles of Middle Eastern dance.
  • Unsolicited tirades detailing the inferiority of states that were never independent republics.

Honestly though, I still can't quite figure out how I manage to start speaking Middle English and people continue standing there listening to it. Enablers! All of you!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

More Fire

"Hey, look! This is way cooler than what's going on inside the club!"

Burning on the sidewalk. Stopped traffic. No arrests.

Watch for the fire grab at :40 and the "dragon's breath" at 2:00.

More fire, pole, and dance on Facebook.