Monday, October 27, 2008

Voodoo Fest!!

Here's a really quick rundown of the memorable moments:

Friday morning I wandered around the French Quarter and talked shop and snakes with a druid/voodoo priest (odd combo, I know). I almost bought a monkey skull with jeweled eyes and a feather headdress for $40 until the owner showed up and told the ditzy sales girl it was really $200. Curses!

Bands of note on Friday:
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. Surprisingly great live. I caught them waiting for Rev Horton Heat. The obvious comparison is to Jenny Lewis-- Grace is all bangs and legs. She, can however, really wail. They have enough blues cred when they really get going that a finale of "Paint it Black" was pretty twilight-dancing-and-twirling-voodoo good. And I would know. I bought a CD and much to my disappointment, but not too much to my surprise, it was rather studio slick and squeaky clean. Meh.
Reverend Horton Heat. The mike volume was a bit off which sucked. I spotted either Robert Rodriguez or a Robert Rodriguez look alike hanging out offstage. *crush!*
Devotchka. I love Devotchka, but this was not the venue for them. They were much better at Speigeltent with the old world circus vibe and their aerialist. They almost lost the crowd with some of their slower songs, but finished strong with "Enemy Guns" and "Such a Lovely Thing." I did some serious dancing.

Saturday, Zoe Jakes told me I had cute boots at brunch. I couldn't think of anything more clever to say than, "You're Zoe Jakes!" so I just said thanks and moved on.

Thievery Corporation. Fun! They drew a surprisingly large, spunky crowd. Let me tell you this: me dancing on my own is hot and cool. Judith hooping on her own is hot and cool. But together, we are the cutest fucking circus you ever wanted to run away with. We need to put some kind of performance together ASAP.
Mars Volta. I have no idea. I spent their set sneaking through the crowd to get in perfect position for NIN. I got impatient with their encores and afros.
NIN. It's true, Being crushed by a surge of thousands is the ONLY way to listen to "March of Pigs." Honestly, though, there wasn't much moshing and that was a bummer. I was totally prepared to crawl out of there with a black eye or busted lip. It was mostly a tide of shoving to the front with some thrashing around to "Closer" and songs from "Broken." I did my part to throw some 'bows and stomp on some toes. Trent looks pretty great. Not pre-2000-too-beautiful-to-be-comprehended, but good. Robin Finck was, in a word, adorable. As always. He even played ukulele on "Piggy" which was superb. I think I called over a dozen people "bitches" in response to announcements like "Ow, someones elbowing me!" or "Jeez, quit shoving!" My black heart was warmed each time an emo girl fainted and had to be pulled out by security. My screaming remains frighteningly loud.

And for your reading pleasure: Pick up lines!
  • "Hey, do you go to LSU?" FAIL. No, I don't.
  • After creepily lurking, "Hey, uh, my name is Dan. Uh, I just wanted you to know that." FAIL.
  • "What band is this?" FAIL. If I'm rocking out to a band, I'm going to think you're a douche for not knowing them. I'm also going to think you can't fucking READ.
  • "Um, excuse me, would you mind holding my drink for a minute?" FAIL.
  • Knowing all the words to every NIN song. WIN! What it gets you: 1) the opportunity to 'dance' behind me, if by dance you mean, I'm thrashing around and you're trying to keep a rhythm that avoids getting reverse head-butted by me. 2)You get to gingerly rest your hand on my hip for 45 min. 3) At the end of the show, after planning it out in you head for 20 min, you get to lean over to chastely kiss me on the cheek at the exact moment Robin Finck takes his bow and I start jumping and screaming "ROB-IN! Wooooooooo!" Later, sucker!!!! ........ Aw, little NIN boy with glasses, maybe if you weren't 21 at the oldest you could've been my NIN soulmate, but dis can nevr be.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Your Horoscope for 10/4/08

You're feeling a bit restless and need to try something new. It's a good time to hit the road and explore your community or sign up for some activity that is a bit offbeat.

I love when you suggest activities I was planning on doing anyway, Facebook horoscope. We both win.
I'm zipping down to Austin tonight to see a show since, in my impulsive mind, three hours is not far to go and back on Saturday night. I think that covers "hitting the road."